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tutorial-framework test

This is an example playground project built via TFW. It is a good starting point to build your own challenges from and will host automated tests in the future.

It also gives home to several useful scripts in the hack folder to speed up development.

Getting started

TFW consists of 3 repositories:

See the documentation of each in their README.md files.

Note that before getting started with TFW you should already know how to create simpler Avatao challenges. To learn about Avatao challenge creation in general please consult the challenge-toolbox repository.

To learn the stuff you need to know about TFW in order to get started you should consult the baseimage-tutorial-framework repo first.

Getting started with creating challenges using the framework setting up a development environment, building, running and such is documented here.

Setting up a development environment


  • bash
  • git
  • Docker
  • yarn
  • Angular CLI
  • GNU coreutils

Just copy and paste the following command in a terminal:

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://git.io/vxBfj)"

Please do not hesitate to contact us with error logs included should this command fail to complete. Note that your SSH public key must be added to your GitHub user for this to work, or you mush select HTTPS remotes when prompted.

This will set up a dev environment based on test-tutorial-framework just for you:

  • it builds the latest release of the framework Docker baseimage locally
  • it pins solvable/Dockerfile to use the this image
  • it includes the latest frontend in solvable/frontend with dependencies installed

By default your IDE will fail to autocomplete code and will complain about missing dependencies. To fix this you should install the tfw pip package in your dev virtualenv:

  • pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/avatao-content/baseimage-tutorial-framework.git (SSH)
  • pip install git+https://github.com/avatao-content/baseimage-tutorial-framework.git (HTTPS)

Building & running


Our magical bash script hack/tfw.sh can handle everything for you. Just run it without any arguments to see usage information.

It is advisable to run the frontend locally while developing to avoid really looooong build times. The hack/tfw.sh script handles this for you automagically.


You can also use our toolbox to build and run TFW based challenges, just like the regular ones. Note that this will always create a production build with the frontend included.

Doing it manually

In case you must really do it then you can build & run manually. Note that this is relatively painful and you should use the hack/tfw.sh script when possible.

Building without frontend execute from project root:

docker build -t test-tutorial-framework -f solvable/Dockerfile --build-arg BUILD_CONTEXT=solvable --build-arg NOFRONTEND=1 .

This will create a Docker image without the frontend, which you can run locally. For procudtion builds exclude the argument --build-arg NOFRONTEND=1 to include a frontend instance.

Execute the following command to run the image:

docker run --rm -p 8888:8888 -e AVATAO_SECRET=secret test-tutorial-framework

In case of a build without frontend (built with --build-arg NOFRONTEND=1 included) you will need to run yarn start from the solvable/frontend directory as well. This will serve the frontend locally on http://localhost:4200 and take care of proxying.

If you've created a production build (without --build-arg NOFRONTEND=1) you don't have to run the frontend locally and you can access the challenge on http://localhost:8888.

Building the TFW baseimage without test-tutorial-framework

You might need to build our baseimage separately in case you've cloned an existing challenge depending on a specific version.

To do this simply issue BASEIMAGE_ONLY=version bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://git.io/vxBfj)", where version is a tag or commit of the baseimage-tutorial-framework repository.

Getting our hands dirty

The repository of a tutorial-framework based challenge is quite similar to a regular challenge. The project root should look something like this:

├── solvable
│   └── [TFW based Docker image]
├── controller
│   └── [solution checking]
├── metadata
│   └── [challenge descriptions, writeups, etc.]
└── config.yml

The only notable difference is that the solvable Docker image is a child of our baseimage: solvable/Dockerfile begins with FROM eu.gcr.io/avatao-challengestore/tutorial-framework.

From now on we are going to focus on the solvable image.

Basics of a TFW based challenge

Let us take a closer look on solvable:

├── Dockerfile
├── nginx        webserver configurations
├── supervisor   process manager (init replacement)
├── frontend     clone of the frontend-tutorial-framework repo with dependencies installed
└── src          example source code

Note that our baseimage requires the nginx, supervisor and frontend folders to be in these exact locations and to be used as described below. This is a contract your image must comply.

The src directory contains a simple example of using TFW


All TFW based challenges expose a single port defined in the TFW_PUBLIC_PORT envvar which is set to 8888 by default. This means that in order to listen on more than a single port we must use a reverse proxy.

Any .conf files in solvable/nginx/ will be automatically included in the nginx configuration. In case you want to serve a website or service you must proxy it through TFW_PUBLIC_PORT. This is really easy: just create a config file in solvable/nginx/ similar to this one:

location /yoururl {

After this you can access the service running on port 3333 at http://localhost:8888/yoururl

It is very important to understand that from now on your application must behave well behind a reverse proxy. What this means is all hrefs must point the proxied paths (e.g. links should refer to /yoururl/register instead of /register) on your HTML pages.

You can learn about configuring nginx in this handy little tutorial.


In most Docker conainers there is a single process running (it gets PID 1). When working with TFW you can run as many processes as you want to by using supervisord.

Any .conf files in the solvable/supervisor/ directory will be included in the supervisor configuration. The programs, you define this way, are easy to manage (starting/stopping/restarting) using the supervisorctl command line tool or our built-in event handler. You can even configure your processes to start with the container by including autostart=true in your configuration file.

To run your own webservice for instance you need to create a config file in solvable/supervisor/ similar to this one:

command=python3 server.py

This starts the /home/user/example/server.py script using python3 after your container entered the running state (because of autostart=true, supervisor does not start programs by default).

You can learn more about configuring supervisor here.


This is a clone of the frontend-tutorial-framework repository with dependencies installed in solvable/frontend/node_modules.

You can modify it to fit your needs, but this requires some Angular knowledge (not much at all).

If all you want to do is starting a simple web application and to send some messages you can mostly skip the Angluar knowledge bit. Refer to the example in this repo.


This folder contains the source code of a server running TFW and an other server running our event handlers. Note that this is not a part of the framework by any means, these are just simple examples.

├── event_handler_main.py   event handlers implemented in python
├── test_fsm.py             example FSM in python
└── test_fsm.yml            example FSM in yaml

event_handler_main.py contains example usage of our pre-defined event handlers written in Python3. As you can see they run in a separate process (set up in solvable/supervisor/event_handler_main.conf). These event handlers could be implemented in any language that has ZMQ bindings.

Note that you don't have to use all our event handlers. Should you want to avoid using a feature, you can just delete the appropriate event handler from event_handler_main.py.

test_fsm.yml and test_fsm.py are the implementations of the same FSM in YAML and Python to provide you examples of creating your own machine.

It is genarally a good idea to separate these files from the rest of the stuff in solvable, so it is a good practice to create an src directory.


A good state machine is the backbone of a good TFW challenge.

There are two ways to define a state machine: - Using a YAML configuration file - Implementing it in Python by hand

The first option allows you to handle FSM callbacks and custom logic in any programming language (not just Python) and is generally really easy to work with (you can execute arbitrary shell commands on events). You should choose this method unless you have good reason not to. This involves creating your YAML file (see test_fsm.yml for an example) and parsing it using our YamlFSM class (see event_handler_main.py for an example).

The second option allows you to implement your FSM in Python, using the transitions library. To do this just subclass our FSMBase class or use our LinearFSM class for simple machines (see test_fsm.py for an example).

In your FSM you can define callbacks for states and transitions. State callbacks: - on_enter - on_exit Transition callbacks: - before - after

In your YAML file you can use these in the state and transition objects as keys, then add a shell command to run as a value (again, see test_fsm.yml for examples).

It is also possible to add preconditions to transitions. This is done by adding a predicates key with a list of shell commands to run. If you do this, the transition will only succeed if the return code of all predicates was 0 (as per unix convention for success).

Baby steps

When creating your own challenge the process should be the following:

  1. Use our install script to bootstrap your dev environment
  2. Create an FSM that describes your challenge
    • An example is in solvable/src/test_fsm.yml
    • The same FSM in python is in solvable/src/test_fsm.py
  3. Create a TFWServer instance and set it up to run:
    • Create a server app: solvable/src/tfw_server.py
    • Set it up to run: solvable/supervisor/tfw_server.conf
  4. Create event handlers connecting to the TFWServer handling events you want to process:
    • Create an event handler server: solvable/src/event_handler_main.py
    • Set it up to run: solvable/supervisor/event_handler_main.conf
  5. Modify the frontend in solvable/frontend to fit your challenge
    • This usually involves using our pre-made components
    • And perhaps doing some of your own stuff, like:
      • Sending messages then handling these in event handlers written in step 4
      • Sending triggers to step the FSM
      • Including images of cats http://thecatapi.com