Setting up a development environment
Kristóf Tóth edited this page 2019-12-19 13:47:09 +01:00

The framework supports and encourages local challenge development, but you may need to install some of the dependencies listed below (especially if you intend to use our helper scripts instead of building images manually).

Building and running challenges

You can build and run TFW exercises locally with just Docker, however, it is advisable to use our tfw.sh script for ease of development, unless you prefer building everything manually. On top of Docker, our tfw.sh script requires the following:

  • GNU coreutils
  • bash
  • git

By default, your IDE will fail to autocomplete code and will complain about missing dependencies. To fix this you should install the tfw pip package in your dev virtualenv:

# SSH:
pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/avatao-content/baseimage-tutorial-framework.git
pip install git+https://github.com/avatao-content/baseimage-tutorial-framework.git

Please note that we use our Docker baseimage to distribute the TFW codebase (available on (Docker Hub)[https://hub.docker.com/r/avatao/baseimage-tutorial-framework]) and this pip package only serves to make development more comfortable (thereby it is not published on PyPi intentionally).

Developing the baseimage itself

If you install everything mentioned above and clone the baseimage repository next to an instance of a challenge repository (preferably test-tutorial-framework), you should be good to go (the tfw.sh script supports developing TFW itself). Make sure that your clone of the baseimage repository shares the same parent folder with your challenge (test-tfw), so tfw.sh can find it. You might also want to install the TFW pip package in editable mode (pip install -e <baseimage_path>), so that changes can instantly propagate to your development environment.

Developing the TFW frontend

Normally, the frontend is only present in images as a bunch of build artifacts served by nginx, but if you wish to develop the frontend itself, you may need the following dependencies locally:

  • yarn
  • Angular CLI To begin working on the frontend you should:
  1. Clone the frontend repository
  2. Install it's npm dependencies using yarn install
  3. Run it using yarn start
  4. Your frontend should be available on localhost:4200 Please note that you will also need to run a TFW challenge locally for the frontend to connect to (preferably test-tfw using tfw.sh). TFW based challenges expose the port 8888. Our frontend repository comes with a proxy.conf.json which will automatically forward the appropriate HTTP requests from the frontend to this port when using yarn start or ng serve.

It is also possible to treat the frontend as a Docker image for development if you'd rather avoid installing messy JS packages, but expect slower build times in this case.

Inside test-tutorial-framework

The repository of a tutorial-framework based challenge is quite similar to a regular challenge. The project root should look something like this:

├── solvable
│   └── [TFW based Docker image]
├── controller
│   └── [solution checking]
├── metadata
│   └── [challenge descriptions, writeups, etc.]
└── config.yml

The only notable difference is that the solvable Docker image is a child of our baseimage: solvable/Dockerfile begins with FROM avatao/baseimage-tutorial-framework.

From now on we are going to focus on the solvable image.

Basics of a TFW based challenge

Let us take a closer look on solvable:

├── Dockerfile
├── nginx        webserver configurations
├── supervisor   process manager (init replacement)
└── src          example source code

Note that our baseimage requires the nginx and supervisor folders to be in these exact locations and to be used as described below. This is a contract your image must comply.

The src directory contains a simple example of using TFW.


All TFW based challenges expose a single port defined in the TFW_PUBLIC_PORT envvar which is set to 8888 by default. This means that in order to run multiple HTTP services we must use a reverse proxy.

Any .conf files in solvable/nginx/ will be automatically included in the nginx configuration. In case you want to serve a website or service you must proxy it through TFW_PUBLIC_PORT. This is really easy: just create a config file in solvable/nginx/ similar to this one:

location /yoururl {

After this you can access the service running on port 3333 at http://localhost:8888/yoururl

It is very important to understand that from now on your application must behave well behind a reverse proxy. What this means is all hrefs must point the proxied paths (e.g. links should refer to /yoururl/register instead of /register) on your HTML pages.

You can learn about configuring nginx in this handy little tutorial.


In most Docker conainers there is a single process running (with PID 1 inside the PID namespace). When working with TFW you can run as many processes as you want to by using supervisord.

Any .conf files in the solvable/supervisor/ directory will be included in the supervisor configuration. The programs you define this way are easy to manage (starting/stopping/restarting) using the supervisorctl command line tool or our built-in event handler. You can even configure your processes to start with the container by including autostart=true in your configuration file.

To run your own webservice for instance you need to create a config file in solvable/supervisor/ similar to this one:

command=python3 server.py

This starts the /home/user/example/server.py script using python3 after your container entered the running state (because of autostart=true, supervisor does not start programs by default).

You can learn more about configuring supervisor here.


This folder contains an template setup of our pre-written event handlers and example FSMs. Note that this is not a part of the framework by any means, these are just simple examples.

├── event_handler_main.py   event handlers implemented in python
├── frontend_config.yaml    YAML configuration of the fontend (parsed by event_handler_main)
├── pipe_io_main.py         spawns POSIX named pipes capable of communicating with the TFW server
├── webservice/             an example webserver
├── test_fsm.py             example FSM in python
└── test_fsm.yml            example FSM in yaml

event_handler_main.py contains example usage of our pre-defined event handlers written in Python3. As you can see they run in a separate process (set up in solvable/supervisor/event_handler_main.conf). These event handlers could be implemented in any language that has ZMQ bindings.

Note that you don't have to use all our event handlers. Should you want to avoid using a feature, you can just delete the appropriate event handler from event_handler_main.py.

pipe_io_main.py runs proxy event handlers capable of creating and communicating over POSIX named pipes. These allow you to send/receive messages to/from the TFW server using the open(), write() and read() system calls instead of ZMQ sockets. For example you could send a message with the command echo [some JSON] > /tmp/tfw_send in a terminal. Or you could use a readline function in any programming language to receive a message. It also monitors the /run/tfw/ directory for the creation of new pipes.

test_fsm.yml and test_fsm.py are the implementations of the same FSM in YAML and Python to provide you examples of creating your own machine.

It is genarally a good idea to separate these files from the rest of the stuff in solvable, so it is a good practice to create an src directory.


A good state machine is the backbone of a good TFW challenge.

There are two ways to define a state machine: - Using a YAML configuration file - Implementing it in Python

The first option allows you to handle FSM callbacks and custom logic in any programming language (not just Python) and is generally really easy to work with (you can execute arbitrary shell commands on events). You should choose this method unless you have good reason not to. This involves creating your YAML file (see test_fsm.yml for an example) and parsing it using our YamlFSM class (see event_handler_main.py for an example).

The second option allows you to implement your FSM in Python, using the transitions library. To do this just subclass our FSMBase class or use our LinearFSM class for simple machines (see test_fsm.py for an example).

In your FSM you can define callbacks for states and transitions. State callbacks: - on_enter - on_exit Transition callbacks: - before - after

In your YAML file you can use these in the state and transition objects as keys, then add a shell command to run as a value (again, see test_fsm.yml for examples).

It is also possible to add preconditions to transitions. This is done by adding a predicates key with a list of shell commands to run. If you do this, the transition will only succeed if the return code of all predicates was 0 (as per unix convention for success).

Our YamlFSM implementation also supports jinja2 templates inside the YAML config file (examples in test_fsm.yml).