2018-01-10 16:56:03 +01:00

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Tutorial Framework
## Frontend
Place an `index.html` and related static files in `src/frontend/dist`, the web server will serve them properly.
## Building and running with Docker
Simply issue `docker build .` in the root of the project. The first build could take a while as it's compiling a fresh
Python package from source. Subsequent builds can reuse this layer, so their execution time is significantly shorter.
Run with `docker run -p 8888:8888 <id>` to bind the container's port to localhost.
## Running locally
_This will probably barf at the moment._
Create a new virtualenv, preferably with [virtualenvwrapper]( Install the
dependencies with `pip install tornado pyzmq transitions`. If using virtualenvwrapper, issue `add2virtualenv lib` from
the project root to add the local libraries to the virtualenv's PYTHONPATH.
To start the project issue
cd src/app/
in one terminal, and
cd src/components/
in another. Prepend the python commands with `PYTHONPATH="../../lib/"` if the folder weren't added to the PYTHONPATH