now stuff are written to a temporary folder. also did some refactoring.
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ from enum import Enum
from datetime import timedelta
from math import floor
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from functools import wraps, partial
from atexit import register
from functools import wraps
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
@ -70,11 +70,12 @@ def download_video_stream(url, file_dict):
stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL)
def read_extensions(file_dict):
for file in listdir():
def read_extensions(file_dict, directory):
for file in listdir(directory):
for filename in file_dict:
if match('^{}.*'.format(file_dict[filename]), file):
file_dict[filename] = file
fullname = '{}/{}'.format(directory, file)
if match('^{}.*'.format(file_dict[filename]), fullname):
file_dict[filename] = fullname
@call_verbose(before_message='Looping shorter stream... ')
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ def loop_shorter_stream(file_dict, shorter, shorter_file, loop_fraction):
stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL)
# concat them
call(('ffmpeg', '-f', 'concat', '-i', file_dict[File.LIST],
call(('ffmpeg', '-f', 'concat', '-safe', '0', '-i', file_dict[File.LIST],
'-c', 'copy', file_dict[File.LOOP]),
stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL)
@ -98,15 +99,6 @@ def mux_streams(file_dict):
stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL)
def cleanup(file_dict, outputs):
for key in file_dict:
if key not in outputs:
except FileNotFoundError:
def get_length(file):
data = get_duration(get_command_stderr(('ffprobe', file))).split(':')
return timedelta(hours=float(data[0]), minutes=float(data[1]), seconds=float(data[2]))
@ -135,7 +127,39 @@ def yes_no_question(question, default):
print("Please respond with 'yes'(y) or 'no'(n)!")
def run(url, files_dict, directory):
# download streams and update FILE dict with extensions
download_audio_stream(url, files_dict)
download_video_stream(url, files_dict)
read_extensions(files_dict, directory)
# get stream lengths via ffprobe
audioLen = get_length(files_dict[Stream.AUDIO])
videoLen = get_length(files_dict[Stream.VIDEO])
# decide which stream needs some looping
longer = audioLen if audioLen > videoLen else videoLen
shorter = audioLen if audioLen < videoLen else videoLen
shorterFile = files_dict[Stream.AUDIO] if audioLen < videoLen else files_dict[Stream.VIDEO]
files_dict[File.LOOP] += splitext(shorterFile)[1]
files_dict[File.FRACTION] += splitext(shorterFile)[1]
times = longer.total_seconds() / shorter.total_seconds()
timesLoop_base = floor(times)
timesLoop_fraction = times % 1
# write concat helper file for ffmpeg
with open(files_dict[File.LIST], 'w') as f:
for i in range(timesLoop_base):
print("file '{}'".format(shorterFile), file=f)
print("file '{}'".format(files_dict[File.FRACTION]), file=f)
loop_shorter_stream(files_dict, shorter, shorterFile, timesLoop_fraction)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# parse arguments
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Download player-looped videos with youtube-dl & ffmpeg.')
parser.add_argument('-nv', '--nonverbose', action='store_true', help='Turn off non-critical messages to user.')
@ -147,18 +171,12 @@ args = parser.parse_args()
args.extension = '.' + args.extension
VERBOSE = False if args.nonverbose else True
FILES = {Stream.AUDIO: 'audio', Stream.VIDEO: 'video',
File.LIST: 'list.txt', File.LOOP: 'loop', File.FRACTION: 'fraction',
File.OUTPUT: 'output'+args.extension}
URL = args.url
# clean up on exit
register(partial(cleanup, FILES, OUTPUT_KEYS))
# fetch video title if no filename was specified
if args.output is None:
FILES[File.OUTPUT] = check_output(('youtube-dl', '--get-title', args.url)).decode('utf-8').strip()
@ -168,38 +186,17 @@ FILES[File.OUTPUT] += args.extension
# ask what to do if output exists
if exists(FILES[File.OUTPUT]):
answer = yes_no_question('A file named "{}" already exists! Overwrite?'.format(FILES[File.OUTPUT]), default='no')
answer = yes_no_question('A file named "{}" already exists! Overwrite?'.format(FILES[File.OUTPUT]),
if not answer:
# download streams and update FILE dict with extensions
download_audio_stream(URL, FILES)
download_video_stream(URL, FILES)
with TemporaryDirectory() as dir:
for key in FILES:
if key not in OUTPUT_KEYS:
FILES[key] = '{}/{}'.format(dir, FILES[key])
# get stream lengths via ffprobe
audioLen = get_length(FILES[Stream.AUDIO])
videoLen = get_length(FILES[Stream.VIDEO])
# decide which stream needs some looping
longer = audioLen if audioLen > videoLen else videoLen
shorter = audioLen if audioLen < videoLen else videoLen
shorterFile = FILES[Stream.AUDIO] if audioLen < videoLen else FILES[Stream.VIDEO]
FILES[File.LOOP] += splitext(shorterFile)[1]
FILES[File.FRACTION] += splitext(shorterFile)[1]
times = longer.total_seconds() / shorter.total_seconds()
timesLoop_base = floor(times)
timesLoop_fraction = times % 1
# write concat helper file for ffmpeg
with open(FILES[File.LIST], 'w') as f:
for i in range(timesLoop_base):
print("file '{}'".format(shorterFile), file=f)
print("file '{}'".format(FILES[File.FRACTION]), file=f)
loop_shorter_stream(FILES, shorter, shorterFile, timesLoop_fraction)
run(URL, FILES, dir)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user