Every tutorial-framework based challenge has a `solvable` Docker image based on this one: their `Dockerfile`s begin with `FROM eu.gcr.io/avatao-challengestore/tutorial-framework`.
Note that TFW is not avaliable on Docker Hub due to legal reasons and is only accessible through local builds (don't worry, we've got you covered with build scripts in the [test-tutorial-framework](https://github.com/avatao-content/test-tutorial-framework) repo).
To make this possible TFW implements a robust messaging system and provides several pre-written components built upon it, such as a file editor and a terminal (both running in your browser).
Frontend components use websockets to connect to the TFW server, to which you can hook several *event handlers* defining how to handle specific messages.
Imagine event handlers as callbacks that are invoked when TFW receives a specific type of message. For instance, you could send a message to the framework when the user does something of note.
Event handler allow you to define actions triggered on the backend when the user presses a button on the frontend or moves the cursor to a specific area, etc.
Event handlers use ZeroMQ to connect to the framework. Due to this they are as loosely-coupled as possible: usually they are running in separate processes and only communicate with TFW through ZMQ.
Our pre-made event handlers are written in Python3, but you can write event handlers in any language that has ZeroMQ bindings (this means virtually any language).
This makes the framework really flexible: you can demonstrate the concepts you want to in any language while using the same set of tools provided by TFW.
For instance, you could represent whether the user managed to create a malicious user with a state called `user_registered` and subscribe callbacks to events regarding that state (like entering or leaving).
You could create challenges that can be completed in several different ways: imagine a state called `challenge_complete`, which indicates if the challenge is completed. Several series of actions (triggers) could lead to this state.
Note that our frontend implementation is written in Angular. It is maintained and documented in the [frontend-tutorial-framework](https://github.com/avatao-content/frontend-tutorial-framework) repository.
In the `docs` folder you can find our Sphinx-based API documentation, which you can build using the included `Makefile` (you need to have Sphinx installed, please reach out to us if you have trouble building the docs).
To get started you should take a look at the [test-tutorial-framework](https://github.com/avatao-content/test-tutorial-framework) repository, which serves as an example project as well.