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\chapter{Using the Framework}
In this section I am going to dive into further detail on how client code is supposed
to use the framework, some of the design decisions behind this and how everything is
is integrated into the \code{solvable} Docker image.
To use the framework one has to do several things to get started.
The main points include:
\item Setting up a development environment
\item Defining an FSM to describe the flow of the tutorial and implementing proper callbacks
for this machine, such as ones that display messages to the user
\item Implementing the required event handlers, which may trigger state transitions in the FSM,
interact with non-TFW code and do various things that might be needed during an exercise
\item Defining what processes should run inside the container besides the things TFW
starts automatically
\item Setting up reverse proxying for any user-facing network applications such as webservers
At first all these tasks can seem quite overwhelming.
Remember that \emph{witchcraft} is what we practice here after all.
To overcome the high initial learning curve of getting familiar with the framework
I have created a repository called \emph{test-tutorial-framework} with the purpose of
providing a project template for developers looking to create challenges using the
This repository is a really simple client codebase that is suitable for
developing TFW itself as well (a good place to host tests for the framework).
It also provides an ``industry standard'' \code{hack} directory
containing bash scripts that make the development of tutorials and TFW itself very convenient.
These scripts span from bootstrapping a complete development environment in one command,
to building and running challenges based on the framework.
Let us take a quick look at the \emph{test-tutorial-framework} project to acquire a greater
understanding of how the framework interacts with client code.
\section{Project Structure}
caption={The project structure of test-tutorial-framework},
|   |
| |--...
|   |--Dockerfile
| |--...
\subsection{Avatao Configuration File}
The \code{config.yml} file is an Avatao challenge configuration file,
which is used describe what kind of Docker containers implement a challenge,
what ports do they expose talking what protocols, define the name of the
excercise, it's difficulity, and so on.
Every Avatao challenge must provide such a file.
The Tutorial Framework does not use this file, this is only required to run
the exercise in production, so it is mostly out of scope for this thesis.
\subsection{Controller Image}
It was previously mentioned that the \code{controller} Docker image is responsible
for the solution checking of challenges (whether the user has completed the exercise or not).
Currently this image is maintained in the test-tutorial-framework repository.
It is a really simple Python server which functions as a TFW event handler as well.
It subscribes to the FSM update messages
broadcasted by the \code{FSMManagingEventHandler}, we've previously discussed,
this way it is capable of keeping track of the state of the tutorial,
which allows it to detect if the final state of the FSM is reached.
\subsection{Solvable Image}
Currently the Tutorial Framework is maintained in three git repositories:
\item[baseimage-tutorial-framework] Docker baseimage (contains all backend logic)
\item[frontend-tutorial-framework] Angular frontend
\item[test-tutorial-framework] An example tutorial built using baseimage and frontend
Every tutorial based on the framework must use the TFW baseimage as the parent of
it's own \code{solvable} image, using the \code{FROM}%
Dockerfile command.
Being an example project of the framework this is the case with
test-tutorial-framework as well.
\section{Details of the Solvable Image}
Let us dive into greater detail on how the \code{solvable} Docker image of the
test-tutorial-framework operates.
The directory structure is as follows:
I am going to discuss these one by one.
Since this is a Docker image it must define a \code{Dockerfile}.
This image always uses the baseimage of the framework as a parent image.
Besides this developers can use this as a regular \code{Dockerfile} to work with as
they see fit to implement their tutorial.
This directory is designed to contain a clone of the frontend repository.
By default it is empty and it's contents will be put in place during the
setup of the development environment.
As previously mentioned, the framework uses supervisor to run several processes
inside a Docker container.
Usually Docker containers only run a single process and developers simply start
more containers instead of processes if required.
This approach is not suitable for TFW, as it would require the framework to orchestrate
Docker containers from an other container, which is feasible in theory but
very hard and impractial to do in practice.
Supervisor is a process control system designed to be able to work with
processes on UNIX-like operating systems.
When a tutorial built on TFW is started, the framework starts supervisor with
PID\footnote{Process ID, on UNIX-like systems the \code{init} program is the first
process started} 1, which in turn starts all the programs defined
in this directory using supervisor configuration files.
For example, a developer would use a file similar to this to run a webserver
written in python:
As mentioned earlier in~\ref{processmanagement}, any program that is started this way
can be managed by the framewok using API messages.
For simplicity, exercises based on the framework only expose a single port from the
\code{solvable} container.
This port is required to serve the frontend of the framework.
If this is the case, how do we run additional web applications to showcase vulnerabilies
on during the tutorial?
Since one port can only be bound by one process at a time, we will need to
use a reverse-proxy to to bind the port and redirect traffict to other
webservers binding non-exposed ports.
To support this, TFW automatically runs an nginx webserver (it uses this nginx
process to serve the framework frontend as well) we can supply additional configurations to.
Any configuration files placed into this directory will be interpreted by nginx
once the container has started.
To set up the reverse-proxying of a webserver running on port 3333,
one would write a config file similar to this one:
location /yoururl {
Now the content server by this websever will be available on ``<challenge\_url>/yoururl''.
It is very important to understand, that developers
have to make sure that their web application \emph{behaves well} behind a reverse proxy.
What this means is that they are going to be serverd from a ``subdirectory'' of an URL:
for example ``/register'' will be served under ``/yoururl/register''.
This means that all links in the final HTML must refer to the proxied urls, e.g.\
``/yoururl/register'' and server side redirects must point to the correct hrefs as well.
Idiomatically this is usually implemented by supplying a \code{BASEURL}
to the application through an environment variable, so that it is able to set
itself up correctly.
\subsection{Copying Configuration Files}
Behind the curtains, the Tutorial Framework uses some Dockerfile trickery to
faciliate the copying of supervisor and nginx configuration files to their correct
Normally when one uses the \code{COPY}%
command to create a layer%
{}} in a Docker image,
this action takes place when building that image (i.e.\ in the \emph{build context}
of that image).
This is not good for this use case: when building the framework baseimage,
these configuration files that will be written by content developers do not even
How could we copy files into an image layer that will be created in the future?
It is possible to use a command called \code{ONBUILD}%
in the Dockerfile of a baseimage to delay another command
to the point in time when other images will use the baseimage
as a parent with the \code{FROM} command. This makes it possible to execute
commands in the build context of the descendant image.
This is great, because the config files we need \emph{will} exist in the build
context of the \code{solvable} image of test-tutorial-framework.
In practice this looks something like this in the baseimage \code{Dockerfile}:
\subsection{Source Directory}
The \code{src} directory usually holds tutorial-specific code, such as
the implementations of event handlers, the framework FSM, additional web applications
served by the exercise and generally anything that won't fit in the other,
framework-specific directories.
The use of this directory is not mandatory, only a good practice, as developers
are free to implement the non-TFW parts of their exercises as they see fit
(the copying of these files into image layers are their resposibility).
\section{Impelenting a Finite State Machine}
The Tutorial Framework allows developers to define state machines in two ways,
as discussed before.
I am going to display the implementation of the same FSM using these methods
to showcase the capabilities of the framework.
\subsection{YAML based FSM}
YAML\footnote{YAML Ain't Markup Language \href{}{}}
is a human friendly data serialization standard and a superset of JSON.
It is possible to use this format to define a state machine like so:
caption={A Finite State Machine implemented in YAML},
This state machine has two states, state \code{0} and \code{1}.
It defines a single transition between them, \code{step_1}.
On entering state \code{1} the FSM will write a message to the frontend messaging component
by invoking TFW library code using Python.
The transition can only occour if the file \code{allow_step_1} exists.
YAML based state machine implementations also allow the usage of the Jinja2%
templating language to substitute variables into the YAML file.
These substitutions are really powerful, as one could even iterate through arrays
or invoke functions that produce strings to be inserted using this method.
\subsection{Python based FSM}
Optionally, the same state machine can be implemented like this in Python using
TFW library code:
caption={A Finite State Machine implemented in Python},
As you can see, both implementations are pretty clean and easy.
The advantage of YAML is that it makes it possible to define callbacks using virtually any
command that is available in the container, which means any
programming language is usable to implement said callbacks.
The advantage of the Python version is that since the framework is being developed in
Python as well, it is going to be easier to interface with library code.
\section{Configuring Components}
The configuration of built-ins is generally done in two different ways.
For the frontend (Angular) side, developers can edit a \code{config.ts} file,
which is full of key-value pairs of configurable frontend functionality.
These pairs are generally pretty self-documenting:
caption={Example of the frontend \code{config.ts} file (stripped down to save space)},
Configuring built-in event handlers is possible by editing the Python file they are
initialized in, which exposes several communicative options:
caption={Example of inicializing some event handlers},
\section{Setting Up a Developer Environment}\label{devenv}
To make getting started as smooth as possible I have created
a ``bootstrap'' script which is capable of creating a development envrionment from
This script is distributed as the following bash one-liner:
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
This command downloads a script using \code{curl}%
\footnote{\href{}{}}, then executes it in bash.
In the open source community it is quite common to distribute installers this way%
\footnote{A good example of this is oh-my-zsh
which might seem a little scary at first, but is not less safe then
downloading and executing a binary installer from a website with a valid TLS certificate, as
\code{curl} will fail with an error message if the certificate is invalid.
This is because both methods place their trust in the PKI~\footnote{Public Key Infrastructure}
to defend against man-in-the-middle%
{\_attack}} attacks.
Debating the security of this infrastructure is certainly something that we
as an industry should constantly do, but it is out of the scope of this paper.
Nevertheless I have also created a version of this command that
checks the SHA256 checksum of the bootstrap script before executing it
(I have placed it on several lines to enhance visibility):
URL= \
SHA=d81057610588e16666251a4167f05841fc8b66ccd6988490c1a2d2deb6de8ffa \
bash -c 'cmd="$(curl -fsSL $URL)" && \
[ $(echo "$cmd" | sha256sum | cut -d " " -f1) == $SHA ] && \
echo "$cmd" | bash || echo Checksum mismatch!'
This essentially downloads the script, places it inside a variable as a string,
then pipes it into a bash interpreter \emph{only if} the checksum
of the downloaded string matches the one provided, otherwise it displays
an error message.
Software projects distributing their product as binary installers often
display such checksums on their download pages with the purpose to potentially
mitigating MITM attacks.
The bootstrap script clones the three TFW repositories and does several steps
to create a working environment into a single directory, that is based on
\item It builds the newest version of the TFW baseimage locally
\item It pins the version tag in \code{solvable/Dockerfile},
so that this newly-built version will be used by the tutorial
\item It places the latest frontend in \code{solvable/frontend} with
depencendies installed
It is important to note that this script \emph{does not} install anything system-wide,
it only works in the directory it is being executed from.
This is a good practice, as many users --- including me --- find scripts that
write files all around the system intrusive if they could provide the same functionality
while working in a single directory.
It is also worth to mention that it would have been a lot easier to simply use Docker Hub%
but since the code base is currently proprietary we cannot distribute
it using a public medium, and we use our own image registry to store private Docker
\section{Building and Running a Tutorial}
After the environment has been created using the script described in~\ref{devenv},
it is possible to simply use standard Docker commands to build and run the tutorial.
Yet the \code{hack} directory of test-TFW also provides a script called
\code{} that developers prefer to use for building and running their
Why is this the case?
\subsection{The Frontend Issue}
To be able to understand this, we will have to gain some understanding of the
build process of Angular projects.
When frontend developers work on Angular projects, they usually use the built-in
developer tool of the Angular-CLI%
\code{ng serve} to build and serve their application.
The advantage of this tool is that it automatically reloads the frontend
when the code on disk is changed, and that it is generally very easy to work with.
On the other hand, a disadvantage is that a \code{node_modules} directory
containing all the npm%
dependencies of the project must be present while doing so.
The problem with this is that because the JavaScript ecosystem is a \emph{huge}
mess\cite{NodeModules}, these dependencies can easily get up to
\emph{several hundreds of megabytes} in size.
To solve this issue, when creating production builds,
Angular uses various optimizations such as tree shaking%
to remove all the dependencies that won't be used when running the application%
\footnote{Otherwise it won't be possible to serve these applications efficiently
over the internet}.
The problem is, that these things can take a \emph{really} long time.
This is why today frontend builds usually take a lot longer than building anything
not involving JavaScript (such as C++, C\# or any other compiled programming language).
This mess presents it's own challenges for the Tutorial Framework as well.
Since hundreds of megabytes of dependencies have no place inside Docker containers%
\footnote{Otherwise it may take tens of seconds just to send the build context to
the Docker daemon, which means waiting even before the build began},
by default the framework will only place the results of a frontend production build
of \code{solvable/frontend} into the image layers.
This slows down the build time of TFW based challenges so much, that instead of like
30 seconds, they will often take 5 to 10 minutes.
\subsection{The Solution Offered by the Framework}
To circumvent this, it is possible to entirely exclude the Angular frontend from a TFW
build, using build time arguments%
\footnote{In practice this is done by supplying the option
\code{--build-arg NOFRONTEND=1} to Docker}.
But when doing so, developers would have to run the frondent locally with
the whole \code{node_modules} directory present.
The bootstrap script takes care of putting these dependencies there,
while the \code{} script is capable of starting a development server
to serve the frontend locally using \code{ng serve} besides starting
the Docker container without the frontend.
If this whole thing wasn't complicated enough, since Docker binds the port
the container is going to use, \code{} has to run this dev server on
an other port, then use the proxying features of Angular-CLI to forward requests
from this port to the runnign Docker container when requesting resources
other then the entrypoint to the Angular application.
This is the reason why the frontend is accessible through port \code{4200} (default
port for \code{ng serve}) when using \code{} to start a tutorial, but when running
a self-contained container built with the frontend included it is accessible on port \code{8888}
(the default port TFW uses).
While it also provides lots of other functionality, this is one of the reasons why
the \code{} script is a several hundreds of lines long bash script.
The implementation of making the frontend toggleable during Docker builds requires some
of the \code{ONBUILD} stuff we've discussed earlier:
cd /data && yarn install --frozen-lockfile || :
cd /data && yarn build --no-progress || :
mv /data/dist ${TFW_FRONTEND_DIR} && rm -rf /data || :
Remember that \code{ONBUILD} commands run in the build context of the child image.
What these commands do is they check if the \code{NOFRONTEND} build argument
is present or not, and only deal with the frontend if this argument is not defined.
The \code{|| :} notation in bash basically means ``or true'', which is required
to avoid aborting the build due to the non-zero return code produced
by the \code{test} command if the build arg is defined.