
159 lines
4.1 KiB

$grid-columns-count: 100;
$grid-rows-count: 30;
$terminal-ide-web-layout: (
'header': (0, 20, 0, 4),
'messages': (0, 20, 4, 60),
'ide': (56, 96, 0, 100),
'terminal': (0, 56, 60, 100),
'web': (20, 56, 0, 60),
'sidebar': (96, 100, 0, 100)
$terminal-web-layout: (
'header': (0, 20, 0, 4),
'messages': (0, 20, 2, 100),
'ide': (),
'terminal': (56, 96, 0, 100),
'web': (20, 56, 0, 100),
'sidebar': (96, 100, 0, 100)
$terminal-ide-vertical-layout: (
'header': (0, 20, 0, 4),
'messages': (0, 20, 2, 100),
'ide': (56, 96, 0, 100),
'terminal': (20, 56, 0, 100),
'web': (),
'sidebar': (96, 100, 0, 100)
$terminal-ide-horizontal-layout: (
'header': (0, 20, 0, 4),
'messages': (0, 20, 2, 100),
'ide': (20, 96, 0, 60),
'terminal': (20, 96, 60, 100),
'web': (),
'sidebar': (96, 100, 0, 100)
$ide-web-vertical-layout: (
'header': (0, 20, 0, 4),
'messages': (0, 20, 4, 100),
'ide': (56, 96, 0, 100),
'terminal': (),
'web': (20, 56, 0, 100),
'sidebar': (96, 100, 0, 100)
$terminal-only-layout: (
'header': (0, 20, 0, 4),
'messages': (0, 20, 4, 100),
'ide': (),
'terminal': (20, 96, 0, 100),
'web': (),
'sidebar': (96, 100, 0, 100)
$ide-only-layout: (
'header': (0, 20, 0, 4),
'messages': (0, 20, 4, 100),
'ide': (20, 96, 0, 100),
'terminal': (),
'web': (),
'sidebar': (96, 100, 0, 100)
$web-only-layout: (
'header': (0, 20, 0, 4),
'messages': (0, 20, 4, 100),
'ide': (),
'terminal': (),
'web': (20, 96, 0, 100),
'sidebar': (96, 100, 0, 100)
$layouts: (
'terminal-ide-web': $terminal-ide-web-layout,
'terminal-web': $terminal-web-layout,
'terminal-ide-vertical': $terminal-ide-vertical-layout,
'terminal-ide-horizontal': $terminal-ide-horizontal-layout,
'ide-web-vertical': $ide-web-vertical-layout,
'terminal-only': $terminal-only-layout,
'ide-only': $ide-only-layout,
'web-only': $web-only-layout
@mixin set-layout($layouts-key) {
@if(index(map_keys($layouts), $layouts-key)) {
$layout: map_get($layouts, $layouts-key)
@else {
@error 'Invalid layout value: "#{$layouts-key}"'
@mixin hide-component() {
// We need to make sure the DOM element is displayed but not visible
visibility: hidden;
position: absolute;
z-index: -10000000;
.hide-attribute {
@include hide-component();
@function get-layout($layouts-key) {
@return map_get($layouts, $layouts-key);
@function convert-ratio($ratio, $max) {
@return round(($ratio * $max) / 100) + 1;
@mixin position-grid-items($map, $sel) {
$sel: if($sel == '' and &, &, $sel);
@each $k, $v in $map {
#{$sel}#{$k} {
@if (length($v) == 0) {
@include hide-component();
@else {
grid-column-start: convert-ratio(nth($v, 1), $grid-columns-count);
grid-column-end: convert-ratio(nth($v, 2), $grid-columns-count);
grid-row-start: convert-ratio(nth($v, 3), $grid-rows-count);
grid-row-end: convert-ratio(nth($v, 4), $grid-rows-count);
max-width: calc(100vw / #{$grid-columns-count} * (#{convert-ratio(nth($v, 2), $grid-columns-count)} - #{convert-ratio(nth($v, 1), $grid-columns-count)}));
/* A hack for Chrome, without this there is a white 1px strip on the left of the terminal */
/* You have been warned: don't try to understand this */
@if($sel == 'terminal-ide-web' & & $k == 'terminal') {
transform: translateX(-1px);
/* End of hack */
@mixin set-component-size($layouts-key, $layout-key) {
$tfw-component: map_get(get-layout($layouts-key), $layout-key);
@if (length($tfw-component) > 0) {
$columns-count: convert-ratio(nth($tfw-component,2), $grid-columns-count) - convert-ratio(nth($tfw-component,1), $grid-columns-count);
$rows-count: convert-ratio(nth($tfw-component,4), $grid-columns-count) - convert-ratio(nth($tfw-component,3), $grid-columns-count);
min-width: #{$columns-count / $grid-columns-count * 100}vw;
min-height: #{$rows-count / $grid-rows-count * 100}vh;
@mixin word-break() {
/* For Firefox */
white-space: pre-wrap;
word-break: break-word;
/* For Chrome and IE */
word-wrap: break-word;