# Copyright (C) 2018 Avatao.com Innovative Learning Kft. # All Rights Reserved. See LICENSE file for details. from os.path import dirname from re import findall from re import compile as compileregex from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from watchdog.events import PatternMatchingEventHandler from tfw.mixins import CallbackMixin, ObserverMixin from tfw.decorators import RateLimiter class CallbackEventHandler(PatternMatchingEventHandler, ABC): def __init__(self, files, *callbacks): super().__init__(files) self.callbacks = callbacks @RateLimiter(rate_per_second=2) def on_modified(self, event): for callback in self.callbacks: callback() class HistoryMonitor(CallbackMixin, ObserverMixin, ABC): """ Abstract class capable of monitoring and parsing a history file such as bash HISTFILEs. Monitoring means detecting when the file was changed and notifying subscribers about new content in the file. This is useful for monitoring CLI sessions. To specify a custom HistoryMonitor inherit from this class and override the command pattern property and optionally the sanitize_command method. See examples below. """ def __init__(self, histfile): self.histfile = histfile self._history = [] self._last_length = len(self._history) self.observer.schedule( CallbackEventHandler( [self.histfile], self._fetch_history, self._invoke_callbacks ), dirname(self.histfile) ) @property def history(self): return self._history def _fetch_history(self): self._last_length = len(self._history) with open(self.histfile, 'r') as ifile: pattern = compileregex(self.command_pattern) data = ifile.read() self._history = [ self.sanitize_command(command) for command in findall(pattern, data) ] @property @abstractmethod def command_pattern(self): raise NotImplementedError def sanitize_command(self, command): # pylint: disable=no-self-use return command def _invoke_callbacks(self): if self._last_length < len(self._history): self._execute_callbacks(self.history) class BashMonitor(HistoryMonitor): """ HistoryMonitor for monitoring bash CLI sessions. This requires the following to be set in bash (note that this is done automatically by TFW): PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a" shopt -s cmdhist shopt -s histappend unset HISTCONTROL """ @property def command_pattern(self): return r'.+' def sanitize_command(self, command): return command.strip() class GDBMonitor(HistoryMonitor): """ HistoryMonitor to monitor GDB sessions. For this to work "set trace-commands on" must be set in GDB. """ @property def command_pattern(self): return r'(?<=\n)\+(.+)\n'