# Copyright (C) 2018 Avatao.com Innovative Learning Kft. # All Rights Reserved. See LICENSE file for details. from functools import wraps, partial from time import time, sleep from tfw.decorators.lazy_property import lazy_property class RateLimiter: """ Decorator class for rate limiting, blocking. When applied to a function this decorator will apply rate limiting if the function is invoked more frequently than rate_per_seconds. By default rate limiting means sleeping until the next invocation time as per __init__ parameter rate_per_seconds. Note that this decorator BLOCKS THE THREAD it is being executed on, so it is only acceptable for stuff running on a separate thread. If this is no good for you please refer to AsyncRateLimiter in this module, which is designed not to block and use the IOLoop it is being called from, or redefine the action argument of __init__ (which defaults to time.sleep). """ def __init__(self, rate_per_second, action=sleep): """ :param rate_per_second: max frequency the decorated method should be invoked with :param action: what to do when rate limiting. defaults to time.sleep, receives the number of seconds until the next invocation should occour as an argument """ self.min_interval = 1 / float(rate_per_second) self.action = action self.fun = None self.last_call = time() def __call__(self, fun): @wraps(fun) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self.fun = partial(fun, *args, **kwargs) limit_seconds = self._limit_rate() if limit_seconds: self.action(limit_seconds) return self.fun() return wrapper def _limit_rate(self): seconds_since_last_call = time() - self.last_call seconds_to_next_call = self.min_interval - seconds_since_last_call if seconds_to_next_call > 0: return seconds_to_next_call self.last_call = time() return 0 class AsyncRateLimiter(RateLimiter): """ Decorator class for rate limiting, non-blocking. The semantics of the rate limiting are similar to that of RateLimiter, but this decorator never blocks, instead it adds an async callback version of the decorated function to the IOLoop to be executed after the rate limiting has expired. """ def __init__(self, rate_per_second, ioloop_factory): """ :param rate_per_second: max frequency the decorated method should be invoked with :param ioloop_factory: callable that should return an instance of the IOLoop of the application """ self._ioloop_factory = ioloop_factory self._ioloop = None self._last_callback = None self._make_action_thread_safe() super().__init__( rate_per_second=rate_per_second, action=self.async_action ) def _make_action_thread_safe(self): self.async_action = partial(self.ioloop.add_callback, self.async_action) @lazy_property def ioloop(self): return self._ioloop_factory() def async_action(self, seconds_to_next_call): if self._last_callback: self.ioloop.remove_timeout(self._last_callback) self._last_callback = self.ioloop.call_later( seconds_to_next_call, self.fun )