from typing import Iterable from glob import glob from fnmatch import fnmatchcase from os.path import basename, isfile, join, relpath, exists, isdir, realpath class FileManager: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, working_directory, allowed_directories, selected_file=None, exclude=None): self._exclude, self.exclude = [], exclude self._allowed_directories, self.allowed_directories = None, allowed_directories self._workdir, self.workdir = None, working_directory self._filename, self.filename = None, selected_file or self.files[0] @property def exclude(self): return self._exclude @exclude.setter def exclude(self, exclude): if exclude is None: return if not isinstance(exclude, Iterable): raise TypeError('Exclude must be Iterable!') self._exclude = exclude @property def workdir(self): return self._workdir @workdir.setter def workdir(self, directory): if not exists(directory) or not isdir(directory): raise EnvironmentError(f'"{directory}" is not a directory!') if not self._is_in_allowed_dir(directory): raise EnvironmentError(f'Directory "{directory}" is not allowed!') self._workdir = directory @property def allowed_directories(self): return self._allowed_directories @allowed_directories.setter def allowed_directories(self, directories): self._allowed_directories = [realpath(directory) for directory in directories] @property def filename(self): return self._filename @filename.setter def filename(self, filename): if filename not in self.files: raise EnvironmentError('No such file in workdir!') self._filename = filename @property def files(self): return [ self._relpath(file) for file in glob(join(self._workdir, '**/*'), recursive=True) if isfile(file) and self._is_in_allowed_dir(file) and not self._is_blacklisted(file) ] @property def file_contents(self): with open(self._filepath(self.filename), 'r', errors='surrogateescape') as ifile: return @file_contents.setter def file_contents(self, value): with open(self._filepath(self.filename), 'w', errors='surrogateescape') as ofile: ofile.write(value) def _is_in_allowed_dir(self, path): return any( realpath(path).startswith(allowed_dir) for allowed_dir in self.allowed_directories ) def _is_blacklisted(self, file): return any( fnmatchcase(file, blacklisted) or fnmatchcase(basename(file), blacklisted) for blacklisted in self.exclude ) def _filepath(self, filename): return join(self._workdir, filename) def _relpath(self, filename): return relpath(self._filepath(filename), start=self._workdir)